Thursday 11 January 2007

first entry?

hi peeps,

dunno wat to say.....ummmz, whazzaaa..
sorry ashim :)



The world is made up of this and that...

To begin seems almost an extravagant waste of time; thinking, re-thinking, pondering over things that would usually be running through your head anyway. Another blog. Yes, another blog. No different. Just another person's views, another person's philosophical overspill spewed over the internet. Like the cynic inside you express himself and let the world feel his wrath. There is joy in displaying your displeasure and arrogance with everything. You could say its 'cool'; but you can't do otherwise. Sure there are people out saving the world and its nice to see. But they can't do it without the help of the rest of us cause we don't do jack and sit here reading and posting blogs. We'll its nice to see one thing though - the truth is finally getting the respect it deserves. I see people everywhere realising that niceties and euphemisms aren't really aiding the collective growth of anything and we're heading toward a place where knowledge is king.

Look forward to one thing here on this blog. That everything will be straight from the heart of a person. We're not reporting, not displaying cool new things or telling you how our days were. We're talking. And that's a lie.