Sunday, 16 March 2008

More Excitement

Alright, It has indeed been a while since anything went on here, which is a sign of good and bad. Lots has been happening and the most recent of which is the new Thermal and a Quarter site.
My first site completely in as3 and man has it been a good ride.

The site is at - the art is by Khushboo Salian.

Go there, listen to the music, buy the album, da de da de da... you'll love it!

Also, and here's the zinger: I had to do a visual update on their myspace page as well.
Let me say first out: myspace SUCKS! (in some ways: mutiple millions of people can't be wrong).

But, once you settle in and get it balanced, it really is quite rewarding. Not that I'm condoning the crap. Myspace is broken. But well, it was a good afternoon of frustration and here's the result:

And I need to thank Mike D for his kick ass article

And now back to Simpsons.

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