Sunday, 6 January 2008

3D baby! I'm finally exploring...

This feels so good.
So the holidays have passed, generally speaking. There is much merriment afoot, but the brunt of it is done and twas the time to start learning again. So I bit my lip and dived into AS3. I've been putting this off for a while now, because I'm scared. But the rush is incredible. I've done practically nothing and already the joys far outweigh the inconvenience of changing some of the way you think. There's a great lot of people out there who are really helpful and its made this a lot easier than I'd imagine, but the most fun of things to try will have to be Papervision 3D

Here's my first attempt to do something with it.

It is absolutely fascinating. I'm not even going to pretend I know what goes on inside. The ease of working with it is amazing, and the hype isn't misplaced: this does change the future of the web.

Flash for the win!

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