Sunday, 17 June 2007

The All new...

So... finally. After being on a temporary site for a while, we've gone live. - if you're not reading this off there already -
This is real exciting, cause this site takes quite a bit of the dream and makes it happen...
This site is the most dynamic we've had so far. This blog for instance, comes straight off blogger (thank you google). Which makes it really easy to add to and update. Thats great fun.
Also, I've delved a good amount into php and xml with flash so the work section is also drag and drop updatable. This feels good.

Its been 4 months is sunny australia, and its already hit 3 degrees. But all said and done, I really cant think of a negative thing to say at all. I love this city. I love Bangalore as well. And Goa.
But from the moment I walked in here, the city just seems welcoming. Free expression finds its way everywhere and everybody's just out to have a good time.

I've hooked up with Bliss Media. Great company. Which gives me something to do with my time - productively :D
And it helped me look into server-side scripting, which is really what random lines web was waiting for.

There's a lot that random lines can be. And it will, soon, slowly, but it will.


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